We excel in the techniques and methods used in connecting & securing the structural components of a bridge, particularly focusing on the joints where different elements meet & this is a critical aspect of bridge construction that plays a significant role in ensuring the stability, strength, and longevity of the bridge structure.
The effectiveness of bridge joinery is fundamental in ensuring the overall structural integrity and safety of bridges. We carefully consider various factors, including the type of bridge, expected loads, materials used, and environmental conditions, to determine the most suitable joinery techniques for a particular bridge construction project.
Surface Drainage
Subsurface Drainage
Stormwater Management
Roadway Drainage
Building Drainage
Erosion Control
Drainage Maintenance
We are well versed with the various types of joints that are used in a bridge construction, including simple connections like butt joints or more complex ones like lap joints, mortise and tenon joints, dovetail joints, etc.
We keep up with advancements in materials & engineering technology, modern bridge joinery may involve innovative techniques and materials that offer enhanced strength, reduced maintenance needs, and improved resistance to environmental factors.
We are also experienced in drainage i.e. the system designed to manage the flow of water, preventing flooding, erosion, and waterlogging in infrastructure, roads, buildings & landscape which involves the collection, transportation, and disposal of surface and subsurface water.
Effective drainage systems are vital for preventing water-related damage, maintaining infrastructure integrity, and safeguarding public safety.
Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) aims to manage water in an environmentally friendly manner, promoting infiltration, reducing pollution, and enhancing biodiversity.